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Unit 18 Mainly revision

作者:未知来源:中央电教馆时间:2006/4/17 20:29:54阅读:nyq


thank goodness

  "Mum, teacher was asking me today if I have any brothers or sisters who will be coming to school." "That's nice of her to take such an interest, dear. What did she say when u told her u are the only child?" "She just said, 'Thank goodness!'"

Students Without Names

  One year at Harvard, there was a really huge lecture with four or five hundred people. nobody liked the class because it was really hard, and it was just too big. when their final rolled around, everybody was really nervous. before they began, the professor said, " you are allotted exactly two hours to complete this exam. anyone who does not stop writing after time has been called will fail this course" everyone wanted to make sure they finished so they started working really frantically right away, except for one kid, who took his time and seemed really relaxed. when the professor said that there was one minute remaining, everyone broke into a cold sweat and started writing even more frantically, except for that one guy, who is still taking his time. when the professor says "pencils down" everybody stops writing and goes to hand in their exams. the one kid, however, just keeps writing. the professor can't believe his eyes. he's so shocked, he doesn't know what to do. about ten minutes later, the kid finally goes to hand in his exam.
  "Are you crazy?" the professor says, "I told you that you'd fail if you wrote past two hours. Why bother finishing? You fail"
  "Wait," says the student, "do you know who I am?"
  "What does that matter?"
  "Answer me. Do you know who I am?"
  "You can't use your connections to influence me. It doesn't matter who you are."
  "Just tell me," says the kid, "Do you know who i am?"
  "No!" says the professor "Who the hell are you?"
  The kid grabs the stack of exams and shoves his own somewhere in the  middle of the pile. "Now you never will", he says.


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