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Unit 10 The Swedish rock band

作者:未知来源:中央电教馆时间:2006/4/17 20:29:53阅读:nyq


摇滚音乐(Rock Music)
  目前人们所指的美英流行音乐(Pop Music),实际上大多指的是摇滚乐(Rock’ n Roll)。从其发展来看,初期它的主体是美国的黑人音乐,包括灵歌(soul)、布鲁斯(Blue)。节奏与布鲁斯(Rhythm & Blues)等分支。黑人爵士乐(Jazz)的流行更代表了黑人音乐的成熟。爵士乐与上述各流派的长期融合,形成了摇滚乐的雏形。它在二十世纪五十年代初为白人接受,第一位摇滚乐巨星艾尔维斯·普莱斯利(Elvis Presley)的成功标志着摇滚乐时代的到来。其后摇滚乐吸收了美国乡村音乐、民歌、摇摆乐、爵士乐、轻音乐、古典乐等的精华形成了自己庞大的体系。

  摇滚乐传入英国后,甲壳虫乐队(The Beatles)从1963年到1970年出版过200多首歌曲,影响极大。国外的音乐权威一致认为:“甲壳虫创造了整整一代人。”迄今甲壳虫乐队的作品仍是摇滚乐的经典。各个时期的摇滚乐也有很多流派,无论是曾风行一时、节奏强烈的迪斯科,以及现在红得发紫、落拓不羁的重金属派,还是许多优美抒情甚至像梦幻般的歌曲,都属于摇滚乐的范畴。

  活跃在60年代的甲壳虫乐队(也叫披头士乐队)在摇滚乐坛永远是最流行最有影响力的,它是由四名英国男青年组成的一个演唱组。歌手约翰·列农(John Lennon)和保罗·麦卡特尼(Paul McCartney)多才多艺,自己作词作曲,是一群将摇滚乐变成更令人滚动的旋律的人。他们演唱的歌曲"Yesterday"在英国的排行榜上有高达30周的纪录。即使John Lennon在八十年代初在其纽约住所前遭人暗杀的二十年后,这首歌仍然位居摇滚乐的榜首。

The Beatles
  The Beatle band was a famous band in the was the most popular band at that time. But it was dismissed soon.

  Chapman, Mark David (1955-) Murderer. A crazed fan who hated "phonies," Chapman flew from Hawaii to New York City where he stalked former Beatle John Lennon for three days and shot him in front of the Dakota Apartments where Lennon lived on the night of December 8, 1980. Chapman was found reading a copy of "The Catcher in the Rye" when the police arrested him. Chapman is serving

  NEW YORK - When former Beatle George Harrison participated in his first online chat last week, he was crashed under the weight of some 300,000 participants.

  This is a 58-year-old man who's been musically silent for more than a decade, and is only appearing to promote the re-release of a 30-year-old record.

  "The thing that pleases me the most about it is that young people like it," he said in reference to the great success of the Beatles' latest album "1." "It's given kids from six to 16 an alternate view of music to what's been available for the past 20 years."

  The guitarist for the world's most famous rock 'n' roll band is now semi-retired and lives in London.

  He listens mostly to music from the 1920s and 1930s these days and admits he "feels more fragile when it comes to music."

  It was Harrison, always the most private Beatle, who took note of the toll Beatle mania, took on the four members' nervous systems. With a stab wound to the chest by a crazed man who broke into his home in 1999 and a bout with throat Cancer - it's hard to think of two tougher obstacles for a singer.

  Harrison, though, offers a newly recorded song in the album repackage by updating his hit single, "My Sweet Lord."

  The weakness in his voice is evident, though his cool guitar licks and new arrangement make the song musically more interesting than the original.


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