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Unit 23 Telephones

作者:未知来源:中央电教馆时间:2006/4/17 20:29:54阅读:nyq


  1. _________ he led the strike cost him his life.

  A. Because    B. The fact       C. When      D. That

  答案  D;

  本题考查主语从句的用法。题意是“他领导了罢工,从而送了性命。”从汉语角度去考虑似乎要填入Because,但从句子的结构来看,cost him his life是句子的谓语和宾语,前应是主语,而Because引出的从句是状语从句,排除A项。The fact后跟同位句从句时,要用that引导,而When显然与题意不符,排除B、C。答案为D,That在此引出的是主语从句。

  2.The coat really a good ________ at such a low price.

  A. matter         B. pattern       C. seller          D. bargain

  答案D本题考查词义。从句中的at such a low price可以判断出前面要说的是“衣服很便宜”。英语中表示某东西买得便宜时可用a good bargain这一固定说法。故答案为D。

  3.One of the sides of the board should be painted yellow,and________.

  A. the other is white        B. another white

  C. the other white          D. another is white

  答案C本题考查习惯表达法。another指“三者以上中的另一个”;the other指“两者中的另一个”。一块木板应是两个面,排除B、D两项。英语中and或but等连接的后一分句中如有与前一分句相重复的内容时,常用省略。根据题意“木板的一面应漆成黄色,另一面漆成白色。”可知完整的句子应是One of the sides of the board should be painted yellow,and the  other side shall he painted white.题干中省略了should be pained,故答案为C。

  4.All the leading newspapers ________ the trade talks between China and the United States.

  A. reported      B. printed    C. announced    D. published

  答案A    report报道、报告,print印刷;announce宣布;publish出版。作为报纸,则与“报道”有关。全句意为:所有主要报纸都报道了中美贸易会谈。

  5._______ such heavy pollution already, it may now be too late to clean up the water.

  A. Having suffered     B. suffering     C. To suffer    D. suffered

  答案A    本题考查现在分词完成式作状语。

  题干中already暗示suffer的动作已在谓语动作之前发生;由于前半句是阐明后半句“too late”的原因,故用现在分词完成式作原因状语。





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