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Unit 4 Travel

作者:未知来源:中央电教馆时间:2006/4/17 20:29:53阅读:nyq


Unit 4 Travel

Flying's travelling around

  Travelling was far too expensive to Flying when he was very young. But the dream of travelling around has been always a tempting attraction to many, especially to Flying, in all times.

  Flying has a 'bad' habbit of keeping himself a bit too busy, thus leaving himeself little free time to go around.  It's very difficult to change this habbit, and Flying has been 'wasting' his precious university vacations for research projects, etc. Maybe Flying is just someone more suitable to stay on a single spot...

  Flying is never a good photographer, neither does he like to take photos. -- Beautiful things in memory shall never be constrained by the photos printed on paper, shall they? Nevertheless, after every long trip, there were still some photos taken around.


  Flying总是不自量力地让自己整天忙着,所以也总是腾不出足够的时间去真正舒心地到处游历。 这点陋习由来已久,却是从来都没有办法改“过”,以致Flying在这理应最富闲心的大学几年里,也总是错过了一个又一个的假期。也许Flying天生就是一个只适合于待在一个地方的人吧……



The Travellers and the Bear

  Two men travelling through a forest together promised to help each other whatever danger threated them.They had not gone far when a bear rushed at (扑向)them from some bushes. One man was a good climber, and quickly climbed a nearby tree, but the other, seeing that he had no chance alone against the bear, fell flat on his back(直挺挺地仰躺下去), and pretended to be dead. The Bear came up to him, sniffed at him, and thicking him dead went off into the wood again without hurting him. when he had gone, the other traveller came down from hios tree, and smilingly asked his companion what the Bear had said to him.

  "For I could see," he said, " that he put his mouth close to your ear."

  "He told me to tell you," replied the other,"that you were a great coward, and that in future I should not trust those who make fine promises(发出好听的诺言), but will no stand by their friends in danger."

  MORALDon't trust fine promises unless you are sure of the person who makes them.

The Fox and the Tiger

  An Archer, hungting in the woods, was so successful with his arrows that he killed many of the wild animals. This frightened the rest so much that they ran into the densest part of the bushes to hide. At last the Tiger stood up, and pretending to be very brave, told the other animals not to be afraid anymore, but to rely on his courage, and he would attack the enemy on his own. While he was talking, and lashing his tail and tearing at the ground with his claws to impress the others, an larrow came and pierced his ribs. The Tiger howled with pain.

  While he was trying to draw out the arrow with his teeth the Fox went up to hin and asked, in surprise, whoever had the strength and courage to wound such a brave and mighty beast as the Tiger?

  "Nay," said the Tiger, "I misjudged my enemy. It was that unbeatable man over there!"

MORAL: Knowledge is power.


  This kind of travel is an initiation in the country. It is held from November of each year to April of the nest year, when is properly dry season in Southeast Asia. This timing helps you avoid both the gloomy, muddy rainy season and the oppressive, annoying fierce heat. You can also avoid the damp and cold winter. After a year’s busy work, you have plenty of time at the end of the year. It is the best time for you to travel and relax. This time we will introduce a brand-new conception of travel to you through a brand-new way of travel. It will be your best choice because you can do it yourself; thus you can enjoy the sight of nature at your leisure, get a vivid experience and show your competence.

  电话礼貌 邀宴与赴宴


  如果你打电话给别人,对方一接电话,你就要报上自己的名字(identify yourself),说:"Hello, this isspeaking. "不要等待对方追问你是谁。

  接听别人打来的电话时,如果对方未报姓名,你就可以礼貌地问:"Who's calling, please "假如对方电话中要找的人是你的家人或室友,你也应该问这句话,先让接电话的人知道是谁打来的。万一你拨通了一个号码,却从对方接听时的口气,发觉你可能拨错电话时,千万不要反问人家:"What number is this "而是要问你拨的号码对不对?例如说"Is this 715-0456 "如果对方告诉你拨错了,赶快说:"I'm sorry." 然后轻轻挂上电话。

  假如接到别人拨错的电话,你可以说:"I think you have the wrong number. This is 715-0456 " 然后把电话轻轻挂上,不要摔电话,他拨错电话号码很可能是无心的。

  打电话应要言不繁,讲完该讲的话时,通常由拨电话的人先说:"Goodbye."对方可能加一句,"Thank you for calling." 然后双方挂上电话-轻轻地。

  A: Hello. Is this 300-1234

  B: No. I guess you have the wrong number.

  A: I'm sorry.

  A: Hello. Can I speak to Mr. John Anderson, please  This is Steve Lee.

  C: Hold on, please.

  D: John Anderson speaking.

  A: Hi, John. This is Steve. Did you get my note

  D: Yes, I just got it. I'll think it over and call you back.

  A: Fine. See you later.

  D: Goodbye.


  除非你确知对方是「夜猫族」,否则不要深夜跟他打电话。早晨太早打电话也是不礼貌的。一般说来,打电话最适当的时间是上午九点以后到晚上九点半前。电话响了六响(six rings)还没有人接,不是对方不在家,就是他不方便接,或甚至不愿意接,最好是把它挂断了。最后,如果你打电话时,心里预知这通电话不可能三言两语就结束,最好先问对方 "Is this a convenient time to talk " (现在讲话方便吗?)免得对方正有急务待理,或有客人在旁,又须接听你长时间电话,造成尴尬场面。


  较大型的宴会(多半用鸡尾酒会cocktail parties或自助晚餐buffet suppers)的型式,通常邀请的客人较多,或较具有公务、商务等应酬的性质;或是结婚喜宴,主人所发的请帖是印刷而成的,上面除了说明时间、地点和事由之外,常有R.S.V.P.四字:这是法文"R&egravespondez s'il vous pla&icirct"的缩写,译成英文是"Reply, if you please." (能否光临,敬请赐覆。)接到这种请帖之后,应该以电话或书信回覆能不能参加,置之不理是不礼貌的。


  鸡尾酒会(通常供应酒类alcoholic beverages)或不含酒饮料(non-alcoholic beverages),时间常在下午五到七时左右。客人在这段时间内可自由来去,这种宴会重点是在社交。客人不但要站着,而且要四处走动,找人谈话;或和陌生朋友相互自我介绍。

  午宴和晚宴(luncheon, supperdinner)则有固定的时间。客人应提早十至十五分钟到达,迟到是不礼貌的,也绝对不要未经通知,就携伴同往。


  A: Good evening, Steve. Welcome to our home. Please come in.

  B: Thanks for inviting me, John. I brought a small gift from Taiwan for you and Mary.

  A: Oh, that's very thoughtful of you. Mary will love it. May I open it

  B: Please do. This is a dragon made of bambooa symbol of good fortune.

  A: That's really fantastic. Mary, come and see what a wonderful gift Steve brought us.




  赴宴时携带点小礼物(糖果、鲜花、或手工艺品)送给主人是很好的,但是空手赴宴并非失礼,反而要绝对避免带去太贵重的礼物,以免引起尴尬的场面或不必要的误会。事实上,赴宴之后打一通电话或写一封短短的谢函,thank-you note )就足以表示谢意了。

  洋人也常顺口说出"Drop around and see us sometime. "之类的话,请别把它当作邀请你到他家做客的表示。他真要请你时,会把确定的时间告诉你的。


  vohicle 车辆

  voiture 车,[]货车

  ambulance  救护车

  bike  自行车

  bicycle  自行车

  motorcycle  摩托车

  cart  二轮马车

  carriage   四轮马车

  car 小汽车

  jeep 吉普车

  tractor 拖拉机

  lorry   重型卡车

  truck  卡车

  bus  大客车

  coach   大客车

  van  厢式货车

  taxi  计程汽车,出租汽车

  subway  地铁

  railway  铁路

  train   火车

  locomotive   火车头

  express   快客列车

  boat  小船


  yacht 游船

  vessel  大船

  warship  军舰

  aeroplane  飞机

  plane  飞机

  aircraft  飞机

  airplane   飞机

  jet 喷气飞机

  spaceship  宇宙飞船

  space shuttle 航天飞机

  helicopter  直升飞机


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