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Unit 15 What do people eat

作者:未知来源:中央电教馆时间:2006/4/17 20:29:53阅读:nyq



    有句格言:We eat to livenot live to eat.意思是:我们为了生存而吃,不是为了吃而生存。同中国一样,英美国家也习惯一日三餐。早餐的时间因人而异,一般是在早上七点半至八点半,午餐时间为中午十二点至两点,晚餐时间为七点至九点。美国人没有下午四、五点钟喝午茶的习惯,而英国人则非在下午四、五点钟喝午茶不可,有时除了喝咖啡或热茶外,还要加上些蛋糕。饼干等之类的东西。













  每个席位都摆放有一个餐盘,盘里放着三副刀叉(knife and fork)和几把汤匙(spoon),两个酒杯,一块餐巾(napkin)和一只水杯。主人(host / hostess)入座方表示宴会开始,客人(guest)才能进食用餐。

  服务员上菜(serve the dish)时,往往是等客人吃完一道后再上另一道菜。菜都是从左侧放进客人的餐盘的,每上一道菜,空盘子都得收走。吃这道菜时应等桌上的人都到齐了才动刀叉或汤匙。如果你不愿吃或者说吃不完某菜道菜,可将餐具摆在一块,收盘子的服务员自然会替你端走的。喝汤时要注意用汤匙并最好不要弄出响声,若汤还滚烫也不要吹,等自然凉后再喝。



  饭、餐meal    早餐breakfast

  早中饭brunch   午餐lunch, luncheon

  晚餐supper    正餐dinner

  午茶afternoon tea 快餐snack


  家常便饭home-made meal, homely meal, potluck

  便宴informal dinner 自动餐buffet

  宴会banquet     套菜complete dinner

  中餐Chinese food   西餐western food

  主食staple      副食subsidiary food

  饭店restaurant    餐厅dining room

  公共食堂canteen    快餐厅snack bar

  咖啡馆,咖啡店cafe coffee shop

  自助餐厅self-service cafeteria  账单bill

  男招待员waiter     女招待员waitress

  食谱recipe       菜单menu

  长方面包loaf      甜面包bun

  吐司toast        米饭rice

  面条noodles       饺子dumplings, jiaozi

  通心粉macaroni      稀饭porridge

  燕麦粥oatmeal      馒头steamed bun

  花卷steamed roll     烧饼,烙饼griddle cake


  我们已经学过了一些表示食物的单词,如:chicken, banana, apple, orange你知道由这些词构成的几个有趣的习语吗?

  1. chicken head 笨蛋;蠢人

  He has a chicken head for maths. 他不擅长数学。

  2. apples and oranges两码事;不可混为一谈

  You can’t add apples and oranges. 两事不相关,你不可混为一谈。

  3. go bananas 发疯

  I’ll go bananas if I have to do the homework again.


  4. a piece of cake易如反掌;小菜一碟

  A: Do you know the other name for Venice? 你知道威尼斯的别名吗?

  B: Oh, the question is a piece of cake for me. It’s the City of Water.


  5. sandwich man身前身后挂广告牌的人

  James is a sandwich man, every day he has to stand in the street.


English Meals

  English people eat porridge for breakfast, too. But their porridge is made of oats, not rice. Many English people take sugar in their porridge, but the Scottish always put salt in it, and never sugar.

  English people always drink tea out of cups, never out of glasses. In England they usually drink tea with sugar and milk. When you go to an English family for tea, the host or hostess always asks you, “How many lumps of sugar do you take in your tea?”

  In ordinary English families, the main meal is in the evening, because most of the families are away during the day. But on Sunday when everybody is at home, they make the midday meal the main one of the day, and in the evening they have a much lighter supper.

Notes: made of 用……做成       2.oat n. 燕麦 n. 男主人(hostess女主人)  4.lump n.方块(尢指糖)

Is anyone hungry?

  Ann likes fish and chips. What is your favourite meal at home? Have you eaten food from another country? Here is some information about some kinds of foods you might eat.

  Dumplings are eaten in different ways around the world. Chinese jaozi, Italian ravioli, Jewish kreplach, and Polish pierogi are kinds of dumplings filled with meat, cheese, or vegetables.

  Pizza, an international favourite came from the city of Naples, Italy about 700 years ago,

  Pizza is the Italian word for pie, so you don't need to say pizza pie.

  Hamburger was first called Hamburg steak. Later, people just called them  hamburgers. The hamburger was named after the city of Hamburg, Germany.

  Frankfurters were named after the city of Frankfurt, Germany. About 1900, an American selling cooked frankfurters called them hot dogs because they looked like a kind of small dog.

  Ice-Cream Cones were first sold at the World' s Fair in St. Louis Missouri, in the USA. In 1904. A scoop of ice cream was put into a cone. You eat the ice cream, then you eat the cone— nothing left to throw away.

  Sandwiches were named after the Earl of Sandwich, a rich man in England in the 1700s. While he was playing cards, he asked a servant to bring him two pieces of bread with a piece of meat between them. This was the first sandwich.


  ravioli  (一种意大利)菜卷(加上调味汁)

    Jewish  犹太人

    kreplach   三角形或方形肉包

    Polish  波兰的

    pierogi 馅饼

    steak  肉排

    frankfurter  猪牛肉混合的香肠

    cone 圆锥形之物

    fair 展览会;博览会

    St. saint的缩写)n.

    scoop (舀冰淇淋的)圆勺

    Earl  (英国的)伯爵

    servant  仆人;佣人;雇工

背景知识Hot dogs

  这里介绍一种英美等国家人们喜食的食品—热狗(Hot dogs)。19世纪中期德国人发明了狗香肠(frankfurter),又称法兰克福香肠。19世纪由德国传入美国,20世纪初,纽约棒球赛场上漫画家塔德·多尔根(Tad Dorgan)看到小贩们叫卖,便即兴画了一幅漫画:一个小圆面包里夹着一节夸张了的狗香肠,并加以说明称之为“热狗”。自此,美国热狗产生,并成为人们最喜爱的食品。




  a bottle of…water)一瓶……(水)

  a bowl of…rice  一碗……(米)

  a bucket of…oil  一桶……(油)

  a cup of…tea    一茶杯……(茶)

  a glass of…milk  一玻璃杯……(牛奶)

  a handful of…salt 一把……(盐)


  a flash of…hope  一线……(希望)

  a peal of…thunder)一声……(雷声)

  a drink of…water 一口……(水)

  a stroke of…luck  一点……(幸运)


  a piece of…bread 一片……(面包)

  a bit of…advice 一条……(建议)

  an item of…news 一款……(消息)

  an article of…news)一条……(消息)


  a slice of…wood    一个……(木头)

  a bit of…advice     一条……(面包)

  a bundle of…firework)一串……(鞭炮)

  a flight of…stairs    一段……(楼梯)

  a drop of…water    一滴……(水)

  a bar of…chocolate  一条……(巧克力)

  a cake of…soap     一块……(香皂)


  a pair of…shoes    一双……(鞋)

  a school of…fish   一群……(鱼)

  a group of…soldier  一队……(士兵)

  a swarm of …bees   一窝……(蜂)

  a herd of…cattle     一群……(牛)



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